Family Relations
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With this function AhnenWeb 2.2 finds a relationship between any two persons in this ancestry list. This function can be called from any site except the Compact Diagram:

MenĂ¼ Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen

If you start this function from a page that is not assigned to a single person (e.g. from Person Overview or Place Overview), two consecutive windows will open in which you can select those two persons:

Auswahl der ersten Person


Auswahl der zweiten Person

In both cases click on the person's entry. As with the Person Lists you can restrict the list by specifying a filter.

If you call this function from a page that is already assigned to a person (e.g. from a Single Person View or from Family Tree View), the relationship will be determined to just this person, and only one window will open to select the second person.