Compact Diagram
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Here you can generate descendant charts as PDF documents that can be printed out on A4 paper. For this purpose you need the Adobe Reader that can be downloaded with the following link: Get Adobe Reader

Normally several options are available in this menu:

MenĂ¼ Kompaktdiagramme

  1. The descendant chart of the person currently displayed (in Single Person View or Family Tree View)
  2. More predefined descendant charts

In the first case, the chart may be so large that it no longer fits on a single page. In this case you will be notified by AhnenWeb 2.6 (Rev. 484) in a new window.
Note! Make sure that pop-up windows are allowed for this page. Please see here how to do that.

The notification for a graphic that is too large looks like this:


In this window you can select one or more persons that shoule be on top of a new page. Attention! To select several people, you must keep the Alt key pressed during mouse clicks!
This selection must be confirmed with the "Select" button.
If you want to take into account that the chart is not shown completely, press the button "Generate anyway". Then a (possibly large) part of the diagram will be invisible.