Morgeneier, Carl Walter

Morgeneier, Carl Walter

*22.11.1917 Missouri†19.09.2004 Audubon, Montgomery, Pennsylvania
oo (1940)  Scott, Frances Alice
Vater: Morgeneier, Otto George Henry
Mutter: Weiss, Ida Katherine
Geschwister: Edna Helen
Kinder: (Tochter)
Quellen: Download von Autor: Created by FamilySearch (TM) Internet Genealogy Service 
U.S. Social Security Death Index Autor: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 

Death Residence Localities 
ZIP Code: 19403 
Audubon, Montgomery, Pennsylvania 
Eagleville, Montgomery, Pennsylvania 
East Norriton, Montgomery, Pennsylvania 
Jeffersonville, Montgomery, Pennsylvania 
Norristown, Montgomery, Pennsylvania 

Social Security Number: 488-03-5778 

The state listed in the birth locality field 
is where the Social Security Number was issued. 

The zip code listed in the death locality field 
is the last place of residence. 

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